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About Baton Rouge Chiropractic and Baton Rouge Neck Pain

chiropractic for Neck Pain Relief

Neck Pain Statistics
In a study of asymptomatic - patients who report no neck pain -  individuals under 40 years, the incidence of cervical disc herniation was 10%, the incidence of disc degeneration was 25%, and the incidence of cervical spine foraminal stenosis was 4%. (1)
In another study, the incidence of cervical spine disc protrusions in volunteers who report having no pain was 50% and of cervical spine disc annular tears at one or more levels was 37%. (2) Just how many people do have neck pain related arm pain radiculopathy is uncertain; however, 51% of adults experience neck and arm pain at some time.
In a population-based study in Rochester, Minn , the annual incidence of documented cervical radiculopathy for men was 107.3 cases per 100,000 people and for women 63.5 cases per 100,000 population. (3)  
A Canadian study found that 14.6% of people have neck pain in a year. Women are more likely than men to develop neck pain and are more likely to have persistent neck pain. Neck pain usually comes and goes. (10) A good, evidence-based means to control the neck pain and any accompanying arm pain is certainly welcomed.
Neck Pain Relief Options

Many options for neck pain relief exist ranging from ice packs to therapy to pain-relieving drugs to exercise to chiropractic. Traditional chiropractic has been documented for it effectiveness for neck pain relief, and a specialized treatment called Cox Technic Flexion-Distraction and Decompression continues to be documented strongly for not only its effectiveness but also its gentleness in caring for neck pain and neck related arm pain radiculopathy.
  • Schliesser, Kruse et al report on a collection of 39 cases of neck and arm pain patients whose VAS (Visual Analog Scale) reports were collected at the beginning of care and at the end of care. The patients were asked to rate their pain on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being hardly any pain to 10 being the worst pain. The study showed a significant reduction in pain in a mean number of 13 treatments (range 6 to 37). (4)
  • Kruse, Imbarlina, and DeBono reported on a case of cervical disc syndrome with arm pain showing a C5-6 disc herniation that was relieved completely. (5)
  • Kruse and Gregerson report on cervical spinal stenosis resulting in neck pain and limited motion. With flexion-distraction treatment the patient reported significant relief of his neck pain.  (6)
  • Kruse, Schliesser and DeBono report on a neck pain patient who has Klippel Feil Syndrome and neck pain and arm pain which was relieved after the first treatment and complete resolution of symptoms after 8 treatments over 2  months. (7)
  • Gudavalli and Kruse present the treatment of a cervical disc herniation with arm pain and neck pain due to foraminal stenosis. The patient was treated 15 times over 10 weeks with flexion-distraction and physiological therapeutics. The outcomes were good for pain relief and remained that way at the 2 years follow-up. (8)
  • Eliyahu reported that 80% of cervical and lumbar spine disc herniations with neck pain and/or low back pain were help by chiropractic flexion distraction adjustment. 63% showed MRI reduction in size. (9)

chiropractic Cox Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression adjusting may just be your solution to controlling your neck pain. Contact Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers now.