About Baton Rouge Disc Degeneration
You hear a lot about disc degeneration or degenerative disc disease or the old stand-by term, "arthritis" even though it really doesn't define the source of pain. Disc degeneration is the appropriate term for a common cause of lower back pain due to thinning of the disc.
Disc degeneration is the thinning of the disc.

A thorough, clinical examination that may include imaging is important to your recovery.
In office, Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers uses Cox Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression to widen the canal space, drop the intradiscal pressure and increase the disc height to relieve pain.
You will welcome the Cox Technic manipulation that gently "pulls you apart," as many patients describe the treatment or say they need.
At home you may want to avoid sitting for long periods of time, wear a support brace if recommended, take nutritional supplements that help rebuild disc cartilage, sleep on a supportive mattress, sit in an ergonomically designed chair, avoid constipation which just forces you to use pressure that your spine doesn't need, and modify your daily activities as needed.
- Degenerative Disc Disease Of The Lumbar Spine With Spondylolisthesis Treated With Cox® Decompression Adjusting
- Hip Replacement for Avascular Necrosis and Pain due to Osteodegenerative Arthritis of Hip Joint & Spondylolisthesis Controlled with Cox® Decompression Adjustment & Manipulation
- Degenerative Osteochondrosis with Thoraco-lumbar scoliosis seen in the elderly
- Degenerative Spondylolisthesis At L4 With Spinal Stenosis - Flexion Distraction Manipulation Or Surgical Fusion?
- The Effects of Cox Decompression Technic in the Treatment of Low Back Pain and Sciatica in a Golf Professional
- Non-Specific Back Pain, Degenerative Disc Disease, Endplate Modic Changes: Pain Relief with Cox Technic
Contact Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers for gentle relief of your lumbar spine degenerative disc disease pain.