chiropractic spinal manipulation is as worthwhile for migraine relief as drug relief (1), and a migraine sufferer just desires solace.
So love may be as overwhelming, blinding, unreasonable as a migraine? Wow! Could it be as powerful as the drugs used to treat migraine headaches? It rests on the individual, but being able to love life without migraine headaches is certainly possible.
Baton Rouge's chiropractic care at Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers is here to help. 15% of the general population suffers with migraines. (1) Baton Rouge migraine sufferers find our gentle, safe spinal manipulation relieving. As a matter of fact, a new research article about migraine treatment just released states that chiropractic spinal manipulation is as beneficial as drug therapy for migraine relief. (1,2) Wouldn't you like some non-drug relief for your migraine? Most migraine sufferers want it.
A multi-therapy method for migraine relief that includes spinal manipulation is urged. (3) Other non-drug migraine treatments may include massage therapy, physiotherapy, relaxation and chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy which can be as equally effective as propranolol and topiramate. (1)
Let's work together. Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers is happy to work as a partner in your non-drug, multidisciplinary path to migraine relief.
Our migraine and headache pain relief for Baton Rouge residents is often multilayered, but includes Cox Technic Flexion Distraction spinal manipulation, a well-researched, non-surgical chiropractic treatment. It's gentle, safe and effective.
Read the reference articles about chiropractic for migraine relief, then contact Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers, your Baton Rouge chiropractic migraine relief center, so you can again love life painfree!